Archive for the ‘Ducks’ Category

Ducks site updated

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

Have a look at our Ducks Feed People site – I added some content to Amy’s outline.

Thanks to everyone who helped out and managed the Tootsie feeding frenzy.

Observations in Piedmont Park

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010


Today I observed the activities of ducks, geese, humans, squirrels, herons, and dogs at Piedmont Park.  Below are my notes:

Notes on Piedmont Park

Field notes on Piedmont Park

I also visited the Piedmont Park Conservancy Administrative Office and inquired whether there was any monitoring of wildlife at the Park, and if so, who was responsible.  According to the receptionist, there is not a single individual or organization that does this.  She did, however, give me the name and phone number of a veterinarian who took care of an injured duck, as well as the contact information for the Programs Director who organizes, among other things, birding tours of the park.

Here are some more notes from my visit:

Notes on Piedmont Park

Field notes on Piedmont Park

Next to the Greystone Building, which formerly was a bath house, there is a new playground for children.  There is a walkway from this playground to the bridge with the gazebo over the lake. 

Based on my observations, it seems that the installation should be on the opposite side of the bridge from the playground.  By placing an attraction on the opposite side of the bridge, parents might have an easier time gaining cooperation from their children who are reluctant to leave the playground.  Further, we should consider offering something besides marshmallows, since many parents like to limit consumption of sweets especially with young children.  My suggestion is to have some kind of dispenser activated by ducks that will give children (or other passers-by) an origami duck.  Or is it possible to make an origami machine that will make the figure before their very eyes?

It seems to me that these refinements of our design will enhance people’s enjoyment of the park.